About Camp - Other Questions

2 min. readlast update: 02.03.2025

When thinking about camp, so many questions come to mind. Check out our most popular FAQs.


Can I get placed with a friend?

We'll get you both to camp, but we cannot guarantee it will be the same camp. Some camps are happy to hire friends, whereas others prefer to hire individuals. It all depends on which camps get in touch with you. 

If you don't go to the same camp, you can meet up to travel after camp.

Can I find my own camp?

If you've never been to camp before and are applying to Camp Canada for the first time, we'll find a camp for you. We've got a team of camp experts who have been to camp before ready to match you to the perfect camp, based on your application and preferences. However, if you have already found a camp and they have offered you a role, they may use Camp Canada services for your work permit.

How much money should I take to camp with me?

How much money you take depends on what you’d like to do during time off and after camp. We recommend making a loose plan before you go, so you have an idea of how much to budget.

We recommend being able to show proof of sufficient funds just in case you are asked to prove that you will be able to afford to leave the country, especially if you do not have a return flight booked.

Who can I contact if I have questions about Diversity and Inclusion at camp?

If you have any questions or need guidance on Diversity and Inclusion, whether it’s about respectful communication or fostering inclusive conversations, we’re here to help!

You can reach out to us either at:

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