Contacting Home & WiFi Access

2 min. readlast update: 05.01.2024

How often will I be able to contact home when I'm at camp? Is there internet?

This is a great question, however, the answer differs depending on the camp that you attend. Here are some factors that may impact when and how often you will be able to contact home.

  • Camp Resources - Most camps are located in remote areas, with limited WiFi and limited phone signal. This can make it difficult to connect with people at home.
  • Camp Rules - Some camps have strict policies regarding the use of cell phones, iPads or laptops at camp. We recommend connecting with your camp to find out these policies.
  • Time - Camp is a busy, unpredictable environment where you will work long days. When you have time off, you may find yourself participating in activities with other staff members, or simply taking some time to relax by yourself! It can be hard to find the time to connect with home regularly.
  • Time Zones - The time difference between Canada and your home country can mean that it is hard to connect with your friends and family in real time. You may find it easy to send texts or emails back and forth, but connecting face-to-face may prove difficult depending on the time difference, and when you have access to your phone.
  • Phone Plans - 
    Many participants find Canadian SIM cards useful for staying connected. Having a Canadian Sim will allow you to easily contact your camp on your days off and stay in touch with loved ones back home and offer peace of mind in the case of an emergency. PhoneBox offers both physical SIM cards and eSIMs, so you can choose what works best for you. They have a variety of affordable short-term plans with unlimited international calling - perfect for camp! Keep in mind, due to remote camp locations, cell service and data access aren't always guaranteed. Also, some camps have rules and policies in place about phones, so please check with your camp.

We all know that parents and other family members at home will miss you when you're at camp, and you might miss them too! It is always a good idea to discuss this with them before you travel to camp and to set some realistic expectations of how frequently they can expect to hear from you. 


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