Medical Q&A

3 min. readlast update: 10.09.2024

Should I disclose my medical history on my application?

Supplying us with information on your medical history is optional, however, your camp may require you to supply medical history information, due to the fact they may need to provide you with medical assistance during your time at camp.

If you feel comfortable sharing your medical history information please do so below, and we will then follow up with our dedicated well-being team who will open a conversation on how we can provide whatever additional support we can provide. 

Can I travel with my prescription meds?

Visit the Government of Canada's website for up-to-date information regarding travelling with prescription and over-the-counter medication.  

Can I purchase my medication in Canada?

Purchasing medication in Canada is expensive and is not recommended. Even with a prescription from you Doctor, you can still expect to pay a lot of money. Consult your Doctor by letting them know the number of days you will be travelling for or expect to be travelling. We always recommend bringing extra if your Doctor will allow it, just in case! 

Your camp may provide over-the-counter medication in their medical centre (e.g. paracetamol) be sure to ask them before you arrive in Canada if you need this type of medication regularly.   

Does Camp Canada require a medical form?

Supplying us with personal medical information is optional. We do not require a medical form for participation in this program.  

However, your camp may require you to supply a medical history form because they may need to provide you switch medical assistance during your time at camp. If this is the case, your camp will communicate with you directly and instruct you on where to upload your medical form. We do not require a copy of this medical form. 

I have allergies!

It's important to let Camp Canada and your Camp know about any allergies you have. You should disclose your allergy on your Camp Canada application under the "Personal Details" or "Medical History" section and on your camp medical form. 

In your interview with a camp, it's recommended that you mention any allergies you may have so camps can be sure to accommodate your needs. Be sure to bring more than enough allergy medicine when flying to Canada. Buying medicine overseas can be expensive, and most health insurance, including the insurance Camp Canada provides, does not cover the costs. If you are severely allergic to peanuts, it might give you some comfort to learn that most camps are peanut-free! However, always check with your camp that this applies to them.  

I have food intolerances!

If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, we recommend that you communicate this with your camp as early as possible with your camp director, who will give you an idea of what to expect at camp and will communicate it with the kitchen staff. 





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